Goose 1997
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International symposium on geese
How to manage thriving goose populations
Zwolle, The Netherlands, 30-31 October 1997

Organised by:
Ecodrome Parc Zwolle, Zwolle Museum of Natural History, IBN-DLO Wageningen, University of Groningen

Statement from the expert panel

Dr. R. Alisauskas (Canada), Mr. H. Boyd (Canada), Prof. Dr. F. Cooke (Canada), Prof. Dr. R. Drent (Netherlands), Dr. B.S. Ebbinge (Netherlands), Dr. G. Gauthier (Canada), Dr. M. Loonen (Netherlands), Dr. J. Madsen (Denmark), Dr. M. Moser (Netherlands), Chair, Dr. I. Patterson.

The spectacular recovery of dwindling goose numbers in Western Europe and North America, to what are now (in many cases) thriving populations, poses a new challenge to nature conservation - more so since there is clear evidence of agricultural damage by the geese on their non-breeding areas, and also some evidence of damage to their arctic breeding habitats.

Whilst the apparent conflict between the geese and farmers, and between those who do and do not wish to hunt these populations often makes the headlines, the successful recovery of these populations to such healthy levels is one of the great conservation successes of recent decades. These geese are an important and much valued component of our biodiversity and landscapes, but their recovery has caused new and unforeseen problems.

How do we respond now that nature conservation policies have worked so successfully? Do we need to change these policies? Do we manage the populations around certain goals (if we can)? Or do we simply let go? Today's decision-makers are faced with a complex set of options to find a balance between conserving these spectacular migrants and minimising the damage to agricultural crops.

The International Symposium on Geese, held in Zwolle, The Netherlands from 30-31 October 1997 brought together several of the world's leading goose research biologists. Their combined expertise allowed the following conclusions to be drawn regarding the options for management in the western Palearctic, based on current science, and identified the gaps in our current knowledge, requiring further research.

A. The current status of goose populations  

B. The issues  

C. The management options  

D. The requirements  

E. Conclusions  

No single solution will work alone. A combination of options specific to the local situation and the individual goose population is required. Integrated Pest Management may provide a useful model where specific agricultural problems must ne addressed.

"Soft" management options together with both local and international coordination mechanisms are strongly preferred to the "do nothing" or "hard" (e.g. population regulation by culling/hunting) management options

All management should be within a framework of an agreed plan, with clear goals and appropriate monitoring.

The economics of the issue require further study, to determine the costs of crop damage when compared to the benefits of greater goose numbers (eg. from ecotourism and hunting), and to examine further the use of economic incentives in goose management.

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